Shorter days and colder temperatures are evidence of autumn and the impending arrival of the holiday season. Kentucky residents from communities across the bluegrass have completed, or will complete, their civic duty by visiting their local polling station and casting votes for those they wish to represent them in local, state and federal office. Having exercised our sacred voting rights on November 8, we celebrate the very individuals who defend the rights unique to American citizens.

Not to be confused with Memorial Day, which honors those who have given their lives for this country, Veterans Day is for the more than 19 million veterans who have faithfully served in war or peacetime.

In 1919, to commemorate the First World War’s end, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 to be Armistice Day. He stated the day would be “filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory.” Armistice Day was not a nationally recognized holiday until Congress ratified it in 1938. In 1954, after the United States took part in more armed conflict in both World War II and the Korean War, Congress changed the name to Veterans Day to honor all service members and related associations.

On Veterans Day, businesses often close to observe the struggles and sacrifices of our nation’s finest. While many of you may enjoy the day off, I would encourage you to take a moment to reflect upon the efforts of our men and women in uniform, both past and present. If your local community is hosting a Veterans Day parade or ceremony, as many do, I encourage you to attend this special experience and convey your appreciation to service members in person. Honor the American flag often hung at half mast, and observe the period of silence lasting two minutes at 11 a.m.

The 2022 Interim period for our part-time legislature is drawing to a close, and joint committees and special task forces are preparing for their final meetings. The Senate is actively preparing for the 2023 Regular Session. If you have any questions or concerns on what to expect or what you’d like your lawmakers to focus on when we reconvene, please reach out to my office and make your voice heard. As always, it is an honor to represent you and the American ideals we hold dear in Frankfort.

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